Tuesday, January 22, 2013

La Vida Española

I am slowly settling in to the Spanish way of doing things.

It's kind of nice, actually! I've been very busy exploring the city and getting used to my intensive Spanish grammar class that meets every day for three hours. Since my last post, I have been to the Plaza de España and the Parque María Luisa, which are both GORGEOUS. I've also learned how to walk to class by myself, which is actually pretty difficult. I live about 35 minutes away from school, and Sevilla is not laid out geometrically AT ALL. There are TONS of twists and turns, and tiny little streets. They also don't believe in street signs apparently.

My friends Laurel and Mattie and I took the bus home from school the other day too, which was also an adventure! The bus systems are a lot cleaner and nicer than in the US, and it costs about 1,40 euro per trip. (In Spain, they use commas instead of decimal points and vice versa).

Our señora continues to be wonderful! She is a great cook and complains that we don't eat enough. She also won't let us do any housework at all. If we try to clear the table she tells us it's her job, and she ironed my underwear. Still don't know how I feel about that one..

We also signed up for interest groups this week! These are small groups of other students on the CIEE program who are interested in learning similar things about Spain. We all go on a trip together in April, as well. My interest group is called "España y sus regiones" (or the regions of Spain). We will be traveling to Barcelona in addition to several excursions around Sevilla beforehand.

This weekend my friends and I are going to Itálica, which is the sight of the Roman Ruins of Sevilla. It's about 9 km away, so not too far. Until next week! Hasta luego <3

 This is another view from our bridge. You can see the colorful houses of Triana (my neighborhood), which is known for it's ceramics.
 This is Laura, my awesome roommate, and me on the Puente de Telmo.
 This is the impressive Plaza de España which was built for the Ibero-American Exposition in 1929. It's HUGE, and was used in one of the Star Wars movies!
 Another view of the Plaza de España. Each major city in Spain is detailed along the wall with it's own mural, tiles, and a plaque describing the city.
 This is the ceiling of the Plaza de España, muy impresionante!
 This is Laura posing with a map of Sevilla at the Plaza de España.
 These are some of my friends (Carly, Jessie, Mandy, Laurel, and me) posing on the steps of the Plaza de España.
 Laura and I at a local bar called Bar de Mariscos (or literally, Seafood Bar).
 More of my friends and I at Bar de Mariscos. Mattie on the far left is kissing a shrimp! The bartender kept giving us free shrimp so we would come back. Next to me are Mandy, Jessie, and Carly.
 This is Laura again, this time with a crepe! I know we're not in France, but we're close enough for Nutella-filled crepes apparently!
This is my school! It's in a palace that's apparently been around since 725!

This is part of the Universidad de Sevilla. The exhibit my class and I went to was about "Los Desaparecidos", or "The Disappeared". It was a photography exhibit chronicling the long history of people who have vanished for political reasons in countries around the world including Spain during their Civil War. It was very moving, and all the photos were in black and white.
This is the ceiling of the same building I was in for the exhibition. I don't know what it's used for normally, but the whole building is gorgeous with lots of columns and stained glass.
This last picture is on the Puente de San Telmo. Couples write their names on locks, put their locks on the bridge, and then throw the key into the river. It's supposed to symbolize their fidelity and durability as a couple.

That's all for now! Hasta la próxima semana!

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